


Founded in 15 - 12 - 1983, BAŞER GIDA SANAYİİ VE TİC. A.S. With a capacity of 80 tons / day started.

When the wheat warehouses owned by Başer Gıda, which increased its production capacity to 300 tons / day with the investments it made in the following years, were not sufficient, it increased its wheat storage capacity by making steel silos of 9,000 tons in total.

Again, wanting to raise the quality standards and switch to Full Automation, Başer turned to new investments and invested in UN silos of 700 tons and simultaneously established a 1000 pieces (50 Kg. UN bags) Bag Packaging system per hour.

In the following years, Başer, which has increased its production capability with its investments, has become insufficient in existing wheat warehouses, and its Storage Capability has become able to preserve 20,000 tons of raw materials and products with its new investments consisting of steel silos and concrete silos.

Seeing that the success in the sector over time passes through reaching the standard quality, Başer has started Laboratory Investments this time. Achieving the desired targets in laboratory investments, Başer has now become one of the few companies in the sector.

Technically, Başer, which has become one of the few companies in the sector, has chosen to reach the top in terms of capacity and market share.

Wanting to achieve this goal, Başer decided to enter the retail sector and thus to branch out in addition to wholesale sales.

As Başer, our goal is to increase our branches, which are currently six, to fifty, to deliver our products directly to our people and to ensure our promotion in foreign markets through these branches.

Planning his future with his past experiences, Başer continues to climb to the summit with a determined, diligent and combative structure that has adopted the motto of climbing step by step, not jumping the stairs.

We offer our Love and Respect with our sincere friends who support and follow us on this path, together with our raw material suppliers and product suitors, with the wish to be the people who are beneficial to the society and meet their needs.

Baser Flour 2025 © All rights reserved.
Baser Flours
Baser Flours
Kızılcıkorman Mah. No: 136 D100 Karayolu Üzeri